Books Reviewed
Books Reviewed by Faculty Members of KIIT School of Languages:
Dr. Pramod Kumar Das, Assistant Professor
- Kumar Das. Sunny Rain-n-Snow: An Olio of Poetry for Pleasure.Setu: A Bi-lingual Journal published from Pittsburg USA. ISSN 2475-1359, Pg 1-3. January 2017.
- Pramod Kumar Das & Narayan Jena. Skill Sutras by Jayshree Mohanraj, Illustrations by Anupam Arunchalam. The Journal of English Language Teaching (India).LVIII/2, Pg 31-32. Mar-April 2016.
- Mirosh Thomas & Pramod Kumar Das. Sensitivity and Cultural Multiplexity in Recent Indian English Poetry. by VVB Rama Rao. Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 66, Mar-April 2016.
- Pramod K. Das & Narayan Jena. The Maternal Uncle Fakir Mohan Senapati (Trans.) Jatindra K. Nayak. Interdisplinary Journal of Literature and Language: A Referred Bi-annual Journal Devoted to World Literature and Culture, Authors Press: New Delhi. Vol 1, No-2, Jan-June 2014. Print.ISSN.2278-9170 pg189-191.
- Pramod K Das & Nesha Sabar. Lo (K) al Knowledge: Perceptions on Dalit, Tribal and Folk Literature. Research Scholar: An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations. Vol. I Issue IV 2013 ISSN 2320 – 6101.
- Pramod Kumar Das & Narayan Jena. English through Folktales: A Self Study Book. Global Journal of English Language and Literature: Volume 1, Issue 4, ISSN 2320-4397. October 2013.
- Pramod K Das & Narayan Jena. Right Off the Bat: Baseball, Cricket, and Literature & Life. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, ISSN 0976-8165, Vol 4 Issue II, April 2013.
- Pramod K Das & Narayan Jena. Voices of the Forest: Tribal Folktales from Southern Odisha. Global Journal of English Language and Literature: ISSN 2320-4397, Vol 1, Issue 2, April 2013.
- Pramod K Das & Narayan Jena, A Doctor Among the Santals, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 44, July-August 2012 .
- Narayan Jena & Pramod K Das. The Lost Story, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 43, May-June 2012.
- Pramod K Das & Narayan Jena. The Poetics of History, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 41, Jan-Feb 2012.
- Pramod K Das & Narayan Jena. Ecological Perspectives in Buddhism, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 40, Nov-Dec 2011.
- Anand Mahanand & Pramod K. Das. My Mother, My Strength, Muse India (literary e-journal ) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 32, Jul-Aug 2010 .
- Pramod Kumar Das. Humanities in the Present Context. Literary Criterion XLV, No.4 Pg 65-66, 2010.
- Pramod Kumar Das. Tribal Folk Tales from Orissa, Lokaratna, An e-journal of Folklore Foundation, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, 220-221, Vol-III, 2010.
Dr. Pramod Kumar Das, Assistant Professor
- “Tracing the Journey of Utenzi: From Indigenous Heroic Narrative to Islamic Lamenting Song”, Palaver, Vol V, Edited by Debarati Chakraborty and Kunal Chattopadhyay, Jadavpur University Press, Kolkata, March 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-83660-51-3)
- “Nobel Lecture of J. M Coetzee”, Nobel-Bhashan Sahitya, edited by Deep Ghosh, Ekalavya Publication, Kolkata, 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-83200-66-5)
- “Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and Chinua Achebe: No Strength to Fly”, PALAVER, Vol. 3, Worldview Publication, 2010 (ISBN: 01-06954-56-2)