Journal Articles

Journal articles published by Faculty Members of KIIT School of Languages over the last decade from 2011- 2020: 

Dr Pramod Kumar Das, Assistant Professor
  • Narayan Jena, Swagatika Parida & Pramod Kumar Das. Old Age, Medicine and Filial Responsibility in Anita Desai’s “A Devoted Son”The Atlantic Review Quarterly.Vol 18, No 3.July-Sept 2019.
  • Narayan Jena, Swagatika Parida & Pramod Kumar Das. Exploring the Sacredness of Nature:Eco-spiritual Realization in Gopinath Mohanty’s High Tide, Ebb TideContemporary Literary Review India eISSN 2394-6075 pages 59-80 Vol 5 No 4: November 2018.
  • Pramod K. Das. “Myth in Social Narrative: A Study of Ramachandra Behera’s Gopapura”. Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities: Arts and Science. Vol 1, Special Issue1. ISSN 2456-5571, Pages- 92-94. July 2017.
  • Narayan Jena & Pramod K. Das. “Locating Human Self in the Natural Community: An Ecophilosophical Study of Arun Joshi’s The Strange Case of Billy Biswas”. Interdisplinary Journal of Literature and Language: A Referred Bi-annual Journal Devoted to World Literature and Culture, Authors Press: New Delhi. Vol 1, No-2. Print. ISSN- 2278-9170 pg106-116. Jan-June 2014.
  • Nesha Sabar & Pramod Kumar Das. “Thematics of Gender: A Study of Salman Rushdie’s Shame”. Wizcraft Journal of Language and Literature, Vol. 2, Issue 4, ISSN: 2319-4952 (Print) ISSN: 2319-4960 (Online) Dec, 2013.
  • Pramod Kumar Das & Narayan Jena. “Ruminating the Rural Rhythms: A study of Odishan Folktales.” Lokaratna: An e-journal of Folklore Foundation, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, 220-221, Vol-V &VI, 2013.
  • Narayan Jena & Pramod Kumar Das.”Reinventing the Cultural History of Colonial Odisha through Creative Nonfiction: A Study of J.P Das’s A Time Elsewhere”. Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 51, Sep-Oct 2013.
  • Narayan Jena & Pramod Kumar Das “Cosmo- Vision of the Odishan Tribal: A Study of Gopinath Mohanty’s The Ancestor”. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, ISSN 0976-8165, Vol 4, Issue II, April 2013.
  • Narayan Jena & Pramod Kumar Das “Realizing the Sacredness of Nature: Eco-spiritualism in Gopinath Mohanty’s High Tide, Ebb Tide” Wizcraft Journal of Language and Literature, Vol II. Issue II, ISSN: 2319-4952 (Print) ISSN: 2319-4960 (Online) June, 2013.
  • Anand Mahanand & P K Das: Nature and Adivasi Belief System, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 38, Jul-Aug 2011.
  • Narayan Jena & Pramod Kumar Das: “Man is not for Defeat: Finding Hemingwayan Touch in Ramachandra Behera’s Gopapura”, Muse India (literary e-journal) ISSN-0975-1815, Issue 34, Nov-Dec 2010.
Dr Sahel Md Delabul Hossain, Assistant Professor
  • Sahel Md Delabul Hossain and Rajni Singh. Problematics of Multiculturalism: Exploring the Dynamics of Cultural Proximity in Hanif Kureishi’s Trilogy: The Buddha of Suburbia, The Black Album, and My Son the Fanatic. Forum for World Literature Studies (China) (June 2017): 9-II. (Published) (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Sahel Md Delabul Hossain and Rajni Singh. Investigating the Problematic of Multiculturalism in Hanif Kureishi’s Novels.Journal of Dharma (India) (April-June 2017): 42.2. (Published) (Indexed in Web of Science AHCI)
  • Sahel Md Delabul Hossain, Rajni Singh. “Love-Jihad; Protection of Religious Proximity: An Indian Situation”. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (Tunisia) (March 2016): 2-IV.
  • Rajni Singh, Sahel Md Delabul Hossain, and Soumya Mohan Ghosh. “(Re)Narrating the History through Ambiguous Gender Discourse: A Study of Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown. Journal of English Language and Literature (South Korea) (September 2015): 61-III. (Published)
  • Hossain, Sahel. M. D., & Singh, R. (2014, August). ‘We are Children of Britain Without Home’: A Study of Hanif Kureishi’s The Black Album. Research Scholar “An International Refereed e_Journal of Literary Explorations, 2(III).
Prof. Tanmoy Putatunda, Assistant Professor
  • Published a paper titled “Deconstructing Language Classrooms: A Study of Digital Learning in the Indian Context” Co-authored by Debanjali Roy in IUP Journal English Studies 2020-09-01 [Vol. XV Issue. 3]. 2020-09-01.
  • Published a paper titled “I is Another”: In Search of Bob Dylan’s Many Masks.Co-authored by Debanjali RoyAssistant Professor, Adamas Universityin The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. June, 2017
  • Published a paper titled “What is the City but the People?”: Locating the City in Shakespeare” in the Yearly Shakespeare 2017, Vol. XV.
  • Published a paper titled “The Tragedy of Coriolanus: Whose Tragedy Is It Anyway?” in the Yearly Shakespeare 2016, Vol. XIV. ISSN: 0976-9536. (Pg Nos: 179-87)
  • Published a paper  titled  “The  Endless  Game of  Flânerie: Reading Sam  Miller’s Delhi:  Adventures  in  a  Megacity”  in  The  Visva-Bharati  Quarterly,  Isuue:  July-August, 2016. ISSN: 0972-043X (Pg Nos: 89-97)
Prof. Debanjali Roy, Assistant Professor
  • Published a paper titled “Deconstructing Language Classrooms: A Study of Digital Learning in the Indian Context” Co-authored by Debanjali Roy in IUP Journal English Studies 2020-09-01 [Vol. XV Issue. 3]. 2020-09-01.
  • Published a paper titled “I is Another”: In Search of Bob Dylan’s Many Masks.Co-authored by Debanjali RoyAssistant Professor, Adamas Universityin The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. June, 2017
  • Published a paper titled “What is the City but the People?”: Locating the City in Shakespeare” in the Yearly Shakespeare 2017, Vol. XV.
  • Published a paper titled “The Tragedy of Coriolanus: Whose Tragedy Is It Anyway?” in the Yearly Shakespeare 2016, Vol. XIV. ISSN: 0976-9536. (Pg Nos: 179-87)
  • Published a paper  titled  “The  Endless  Game of  Flânerie: Reading Sam  Miller’s Delhi:  Adventures  in  a  Megacity”  in  The  Visva-Bharati  Quarterly,  Isuue:  July-August, 2016. ISSN: 0972-043X (Pg Nos: 89-97)
  • Roy, Debanjali and Putatunda, Tanmoy.“I is Another”: In Search of Bob Dylan’s Many Masks”. The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Vol. 9, No.1. June 2017.
  • Roy, Debanjali.“Think(ing) outside the Box: Reconstituting the pedagogic perspectives of M-Learning to foster cultural and communicative competence”. International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills. Vol.1, No. 2, December, 2018.;jsessionid=98h3trms5krg.x-ic-live-03
  • Roy, Debanjali.Land of Broken Images: Changing Perspectives of Kashmir in the Lens of Indian Cinema. Pub.International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. Vol.6, Issue 1. February, 2018.
  • Coping with the Curriculum: Examining Critical Issues in Assessment of English Language Learners in the Secondary Classrooms of Bengal”.Roy, Debanjali.International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills. Vol.2, No. 3, December, 2019.
  • v  Roy, Debanjali. “Between Texts and Subtexts: Scrutinising the Politics of English Textbooks in Secondary Classrooms of Bengal”. Pub. Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics. Vol.4, No.1. 2020
  • Roy, Debanjali and Putatunda, Tanmoy.“Deconstructing Language Classrooms: A Study of Digital Learning in the Indian Context”. IUP Journal of English Studies. September 2020, Vol.15, Issue 3.(Pg Nos: 15-25) ISSN: 0973-3728
  • Roy, Debanjali. Pushing the boundaries: Studying English Grammar Teaching in Classrooms of Rural Bengal at the Secondary level. Pub. TransStellar Journal. ELITE. 2014 (PgNo.s 19-24)
  • Roy, Debanjali. Reality or Myth: Representation of Women In Indian TV Serials. Global Media Journal Indian Edition, Sponsored by the University of Calcutta. Ed. Dr. SaswatiGangopadhyay and Prof. Santwan Chattopadhyay. Vol.3 No.1, Summer Issue, June 2012. ISSN: 2249-5835.’%20Research/SR2%20DEBANJALI.pdf
Dr. Gourab Chatterjee, Assistant Professor
  • Marthiyain Bangla and Swahili: The Problem with the Genre”, Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol 55, Jadavpur University Press, Kolkata, 2019 (ISSN: 0970-0692)
  • “Dakshin Africa-r narirkoyedkathan: paltakathanebikalpaitihaas” (trans: Women’s Prison Narratives of South Africa: Alternative History through Counter- Narrative), Bitarkika, Setu Prakashani, Kolkata, 2016 (ISSN: 2321-855X)
Prof. Sonam Meena, Assistant Professor
  • Published paper titled “Reduplication in Dhundhari and Adi” in Language in India ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 19:10 October 2019
  • Published paper titled “Durkheim and Sociological Method” in Language in India ISSN 1930-2940 Vol.19: 8 August 2019